When we talk about therapeutic effects we relate to the grapes oil obtained by cold pressing. There is a refined grape seed oil, which is obtained at high temperatures, when they are destroyed practically all the active substances of a therapeutic standpoint and that obviously is not recommended for healing. Grape seed oil pressed of cold is find currently in big supermarkets in districts with oil.
External is used as a massage solution for skin that you nourish, prevents his drying, help maintain youthfulness and natural elasticity.
Grape oil - a shield against disease
Dry skin and sensitive to cold - Ten minutes after bathing, to massage entire body, especially the limbs, with grape seed oil. The treatment is done six weeks in a row, especially in cold periods.
Dry complexion - once every three days, is massaged the cheeks, cheekbones, forehead and neck, with oil of grape seed. Have protective effects, maintain hydration and hinders formation of wrinkles.
Internally, are not known contraindications to the administration of this oil, provided it not be cooked and not be exceed the validity stated on the label.
Externally, will be avoided its use on the portions of greasy skin, seborrheic, in these cases being able of producing local skin reactions.
This oil has special properties, you should try them. Like this is rosehip oil which is widely used in cosmetics